Professional phone or video counselling and life coaching anywhere in Canada



Gerry Pettyjohn

Hello everyone! My name is Gerry Pettyjohn. I am a professional Christian therapist specializing in sex addiction and infidelity counselling. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology, a Master of Arts degree in counselling, a certification for sexual recovery therapy (CSRT) and I am a member of the Professional Association of Christian Counsellors and Psychotherapists with the designation of "Certified Professional Counsellor."

As a professional counsellor, I have the privilege of guiding people through a process of understanding sex addiction, utilizing tools to escape the trap, repairing damage caused by unhealthy sexual behaviours and healing past hurts to achieve long-term mental health. Every day, it amazes me how God takes the explosive consequences of sex addiction and infidelity and uses them as opportunities for people to obtain personal and relational healing. I have witnessed many people break free of unhealthy sexual behaviours. Not only that, marriages that looked impossible to repair have been miraculously healed and made stronger than they were previously. Marriage counselling has become a passion of mine. My therapeutic approach has been shaped from several perspectives...(read more).

Gerry Pettyjohn

Sandy specializes in journeying with women who have been sexually betrayed. Having travelled along this path herself, Sandy has many years of recovery experience. She made practical and effective use of personal counselling and diligently worked through recovery materials by Dr. Doug Weiss, and Dr. Ted and Diane Roberts. Since 2010 she has facilitated a woman's recovery group and has been instrumental in positively impacting many marriages.

Sandy is a certified life coach through iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching). Women describe Sandy as an excellent coach with a balance of empathy, serious instruction and wonderful humour.

Sandy's husband, Gerry Pettyjohn M.A., is a Certified Professional Counsellor (in private practice since 2009)) who specializes in helping people overcome porn addiction, sex addiction, betrayal trauma, infidelity and intimacy issues.

As a certified life coach, Sandy has teamed up with her husband to help women be empowered in recovery, create new vision for the future, and thrive in their new life!

Her website can be found at: